Correlation, its types- (Positive Correlation, Perfect Positive Correlation, Negative correlation, Perfect negative correlation, Zero correlation ) and Causation
In statistics, we study the movement or variability in variables and attributes. The effect of their past values on present and future. Also, sometimes the effect of other variables or attributes on them. Suppose we want to study the future price of car. Then, just studying the past trend values might not be enough. There can be other factors affecting the price, like price of fuel, raw materials etc. So, in such cases, we study the relationship between/among variables. Data are basically information collected in various forms (numbers, texts, audio, video etc…) about various individuals or objects. These can be both quantitative and qualitative type. Quantitative data are measurable numerically while qualitative data can’t be measured numerically. Quantitative data are called variables and qualitative data are called attributes. Height is an example of variables and beauty is an example of attributes. The study of relationship between/ among them is called association. The study...